Season of Change

By Chesed 24/7 (other events)

2 Dates Through Jan 30, 2017

Chesed 24/7 invites all women and girls, elementary school age and older, to a stunning musical and dramatic performance by the participants in our Women's Day Habilitation program, SHARE 24/7. 

SHARE 24/7 offers individuals with disabilities a warm and professional place where they can develop friendships, hobbies and skills at their own pace.  We also provide opportunities to engage in and contribute to the larger community.  Our biennial Night of the Stars performance is one way we give back to the community and demonstrate our talents and skills.

Don't miss this year's original production, Season of Change, the fourth Night of the Stars performance by Share 24/7. The only public presentation that features the acting and musical talents the courage and heroism of persons with disabilities. It's a live performance, held in Monsey, that attracts over 2000 women and girls and leaves the audience inspired and moved to tears.

Based on an original script by Tziri Frank, with songs composed just for this production by Dalia Oziel


The Rockland Community College Cultural Center allows no food or drinks within the theater.

Mailing Address

286 N. Main Street Suite 210 Spring Valley, NY 10977